In the period March-June 2024, museum MORE will exhibit my landscape panorama project ‘The Rule of Law’ in their exhibition theme ‘There is more than what you see’.

The panorama is inspired on a natural garden and fits in my ongoing painting series His Paradise Garden.

The landscape is painted expressively, in which many lines of sight give the composition an infinite depth. A flat grid with black holes can be seen on the diameter of the semicircular canvas.

The atmosphere of the work will be magical and fiery. In addition to the image, an accompanying soundscape will be composed in which various sound layers are incorporated.

The complete set-up can evoke a meditative, comforting and spiritual experience in the viewer.

In the months of November ‘23 -January ‘24, I am invited by the ‘NDSM-FUSE’ to paint this panorama live for the public during that period.

keep updated via insta: Romboutoomen

his project is sponsored by Museum more, AFK, NDSM-lood, NDSM-FUSE